E1 Upper Cervical Trauma
Upper Cervicals
Elemental CranioSacral Work: Upper Cervical Trauma (E1)
Take a deeper dive into the heart of the work: the upper cervicals! (pending approval with NCBTMB as of January 15, 2024)
This 2 Day (14 CE hour) course is designed to introduce the student to the anatomical complexities of the upper neck and base of skull, to learn the functional components of the same, and to provide simple and profound techniques (gestures) for unwinding them.
Topics covered will include: whiplash injuries, migraine, headache, scoliosis, ADHD/ADD, anxiety, panic attacks, and more! Along with these common issues, we will asses the implications of each within the living system and discover novel treatment strategies for providing relief for our clients.
Students will have ample table time with each other, learning and exploring. The learning style, as in all classes, is geared towards the non-linear. Life is a spiral; let the classes be so as well!
I have been wanting to offer this class for some time, as in it we can just head right to the heart of cranial work, in general. So much of our work is here, in the neck, that it really deserves its own class.
Prerequisite: at least one 3-Day CranioSacral Class with this or another school. Cost $375
E1 Asheville June 1-2, 2024 14 CEs with NCBTMB completed
E1 Asheville June 14-15, 2025 14 CEs with NCBTMB Enrollment Open