Brian Loftin | Asheville Cranial Sacral Practitioner
Brian Loftin’s passion is to help people access their deep resources, to empower them to seek their own healing through their own body stories, their own capacities for limitless internal reorganization and recalibration. You have everything within you to heal, to feel better, to be your best self!
“The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype
“γνῶθι σεαυτόν” or “Know Thyself”
— inscription upon the Temple of the Oracle at Delphi
Brian Loftin LMBT, MLD-C (lmbt# 13797, He/Him) is a hands-on therapist and holistic and Clinical Herbalist, who seeks to help people open their inner doors, through the medium of skillful and compassionate touch. Truth, integrity, honesty, skillfulness, and professionalism—these are the elements in his life and work he most cherishes and most values when offering his method to his clients and students. “What is healing after all, but the search for truth.”
Traveling—and living—around the world opens many doors, and observant people will often note the doors of resonance that can open within ourselves when our outer and inner worlds harmonize with one another. An avid reader and inordinately curious by nature, Brian has acquired many stories and experiences, traveling and living around the world. These he brings into the treatment room and the classroom, as foundational layers of his character as a man, first, and as a therapist, second. To him, every person we touch and treat, has not only a story, but IS the story. Every human being is a collection of joys and griefs, ecstasies and agonies, all of which inform who we are, why we are, and what we long for, what we need.
The art of listening to someone—even when words are not spoken—and responding without agendas, with an open heart, is the only intention of Brian’s work; all other ills and dis-ease may fall where they may, and quite often do. Having his clients and students be seen—truly seen!—is his only real intention. We cannot know ourselves until we are shown that it is safe to do so.
I live in Weaverville, NC, with my wife, Katie, our 2 children and two cats. I look for opportunities to toe the line that our culture seems to want to back away from: the line which stipulates that we be kind to each other, care for the world and its inhabitants, and leave the world a better place than we found it. I believe we can find the courage to do this when our inside world is whole—not broken or bent by the wiles of the world’s obsession with the Container, and not the true Content within each of its life forms. The only way out is within.
To view my educational background and other biographical information, please click here.
September 2018
- Sep 14, 2018 When feeling truly out of sorts... Sep 14, 2018
August 2018
- Aug 27, 2018 Dissection Lab Aug 27, 2018
April 2018
- Apr 2, 2018 What sets Elemental CranioSacral Work apart? Apr 2, 2018
February 2018
- Feb 22, 2018 How I Work Feb 22, 2018
“Brian, my session with you was super helpful, it sort of tied together my body and mind that is rare to experience and hard to describe. I had visions during the session, not a normal occurence for me, but I was in a completely sober and clear state, and I left the table feeling whole and separate from you without any loose ends, clear and self-contained. My body felt deeply acknowledged, calm, integrated and I felt that sense that I could “level up”—you held the space, and I could rearrange within it. You were not lost in an archetype, not a know-it-all (or be-it-all or do-it-all LOL)—you were simply present with me. Thank you, Brian. You are not only highly skilled but also self-aware and ethical, a rare combo! Cheers.”