
Cranial Sacral Therapy Classes Asheville | Learn Cranial Sacral Therapy

Brian Loftin teaches Elemental CranioSacral Work™ in Asheville, NC. Classes are 3 days long and offer 21 National CEUs, through NCBTMB (Provider # 858336). This work is a fusion of his understandings and experiences with Visionary Craniosacral Work™, the Feldenkrais Method, dissection labs with Gil Hedley, Visceral Manipulation, and Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy™ with Dr. Michael Shea.


To see the NEW 2025 Schedule, see the box, below.


The entire 7 Class offering—a total of 147 classroom CE hours—is designed to help ground the graduate of the Elemental Program in the principle dynamics of excellent Cranial Work: skill, compassion, touch, knowledge, perspective, imagination, and an equality in connection to all things. It is important to note, that the references to elemental forces—Fire, Air, etc.—do not correspond to any other system of healthcare (like Acupuncture, Ayurveda, etc.), religion, or way of life, than that which serves to underscore the deeper, underlying qualities of the Work in this method. There is NO single payment for the full program per se—only for individual C1-7 classes—which are $550 each. The total cost of attending all 7 classes would be $3,500. Upon satisfactory completion of: the Full Program of 7 Classes, the completion of 5 Client Records as well as Reviews for each Class—the graduate will receive Certification in Elemental CranioSacral Work™. Classes must be taken in sequence, unless otherwise indicated (C2 and C3 can be interchangeable).

To be certified in the method will require additional expenses on the part of the student, such as to meet the requirements of 2 professional sessions per level, for a total of 14. Professional sessions will have fees specific to the practitioner providing the work, so I cannot list them. Also, certification will require the submittal of 5 client records per level (35 total), for which there is a $30 fee, which covers the cost of the review of the client records as well as the mentorship of the student throughout the program. The mentor can be any teacher approved by the Program. Please note that there are benefits to being certified, such as being listed on this website, being considered for teaching, being paid for professional sessions, etc.

Please note that to enroll in the C5-7 classes, you must be up-to-date on your Class Reviews. If you are not on the Certification Track (meaning, you are eligible to be listed on this website as a Certified Practitioner of this Work), the review process is simply that you take a rudimentary 40 question examination, on paper, and send it back to me with your answers. A passing grade of 35 questions answered correctly will enable you to enroll in the C5 class. If on the Certification Track, this examination must be done, as well as evidence of skill with the techniques, usually by filmed video, submitted electronically to demonstrate competency in the level.

The Program: All 21 CE classes are $550.

C1: Being in the Field: This class is not only a method for learning meaningful and effective techniques for working with the Nervous System holistically, but it is a Way in itself: of being, exploring, and doing at a deep and subtle level. It is the impulse towards and from the Stillness that resides in the Natural World, as well as at the core of every human being, in miniature. This Course is devoted to introducing students to the history, principles, mechanics, and theoretical, as well as clinical applications of Elemental CranioSacral Work. The curriculum will be shared with students by the use of anatomy slides, videos hands-on demonstrations, guided embodied visualizations, and student exchanges. Techniques will be offered, and rudimentary techniques will be student-developed in group explorations and discussions, followed by presentation to the class. Emphasis, throughout, will focus on body mechanics, development of self- awareness practices, communication and observation skills.

C2: Following the Path: a continuation of the work we did in the previous ECSW 1 class, laying the foundation for developing in this modality. The focus will be on exploring some of the treatment concepts of Dr. Robert Fulford, as they pertain to following subtle movements through the cranial field. We begin to incorporate more of the old Osteopathic way of thinking into our work, all while partnering our technical knowledge with the ancient and esoteric views of the human condition!

C3: Tending the Fire: The Cranio-fascial components related to the TMJ, Jaw and Teeth, Stomatognathic System, Tongue, Heart, Liver energetics, headaches, migraines, as well as the ways in which heat and cold impact the functioning of the human form and spirit. In this class we also begin to explore the concept of the Nigredo, the initial stage of the alchemical transmutation of consciousness. Here lies the Shadow, the wounded healer!
C4: The Water Course: The Cranio-fascial components related to the HPA Axis, Adrenals and Kidneys, Lymph, Adaptogenics, and freeing techniques that restore flow in the body. We will dive into the concept of Albedo/Illumination, the second stage of alchemical transformation.
C5: Roots: The Cranio-fascial components related to the Pelvis, Sacrum, Generative Systems, Knees, and Feet. Further exploration of the mandible and midline structures will be offered. Also touched upon will be the concepts of anima/animus, as well as the notion of Citrinitas/Creating/Learning.
C6: The Mountain Winds: The Cranio-fascial components related to the Lungs, Clavicles, Calvarium of the Skull, Sinuses, Shoulders, Wind Dispersal, Immune System. We will explore the Rubedo, or reddening/Transformation—the authentic actualization of the self.
C7: The Stillness of Being: The Crania-fascial components related to Biodynamics, Song, Prayer/Intention in Treatment, focus on Being—rather than doing, Primordial Wave. Here we are beyond transformation, and we abide in the being and wholeness of who we are. We transcend technique. We embody That Which Is.

Requirements to receive a certification in Elemental CranioSacral Work:

  1. Completion of all 7 classes, with any missed days made up.

  2. Completion and turning in of 5 client records per Class Level.

  3. Satisfactory completion of 1 Intuitive Practical Examination and 1 Technical Practical Examination with a qualified instructor.

Continuing Education Classes with Brian Loftin LMBT, an NCBTMB approved provider (#1559)

Currently, all in-person classes for the foreseeable future will remain Mentor classes, consisting of no more than 4 students…To register for a class, or to inquire about your participation in one, please fill out the form specific to the class you are interested in, or send an email to cranialworkinfo@gmail.com. Brian will return your correspondence at his earliest convenience. NOTE: C3 through C7 class registrations will be found on their respective pages.

Unless otherwise indicated, classes are held at 138 E Chestnut St. Suite 201, in Asheville, NC. Currently, we are only holding Mentor Classes, which consist of no more than 6-8 students and a teacher. Smaller classes tend to produce a more intimate, fruitful learning environment—an excellent forum for a craniosacral course!

“Brian brought to this course a repertoire of skills, underscored by his vast experience and eloquently articulated through his compassion and the integrity with which he crafted and maintained the container of this course. I feel benefited as a healer and as a human to have had this experience, and anticipate the benefit it will bring to my healing opportunities with clients! An excellent experience in all ways!” ~ John L., Dr. PT.

Prospective Students: I am necessarily particular about the quality of participation in our classes. As the classes are small, it is imperative that the classes NOT be a conscious or unconscious vehicle of therapy for students. We are here in class to learn. While therapeutic benefits are inherently possible in these courses—we work very deeply!—I would ask that, if you wish to learn with us, please know that a smaller group dynamic cannot handle students who need “extra attention” for their process, or who use bodywork classes as fulcrums for their social and/or health actualizations as a primary requirement. I know no other way to say this honestly. I—we!—owe our fellow students our full and equitable, selfless participation!

2025 Schedule:

INTRO: February 1, 2025 (Saturday) October 1, 2025 (Wednesday)

E1 Uper Cervical Trauma: June 14-15, 2025

E2 Treating the Mandible and TMJ: July 26-27, 2025

C1: April 4-6, 2025 October 3-5, 2025

C2: February 21-23, 2025

C3: September 26-28, 2025

C4: October 24-26, 2025


C6: August 15-17, 2025

Having fun in the ECSW 1 Class, February, 2020

Having fun in the ECSW 1 Class, February, 2020

“I love the blending of nature & elements with technique, anatomical information & creativity. Profound teachings creatively presented…and so much shared over the course of three days! Fun, informative, practical, mystical! Thank you, Brian!” Emily H. LMBT

“…VERY powerful, VERY illuminating, very clear & helpful instruction. I’ll be back!” Chelsea W. LMT

"I appreciate Brian's way--his style of teaching, the balance between the academic and etherial. The aspect of 'real' vs unseen...I thought the quotes, readings, visuals, and setting (music, lighting, space) were all very conducive and amplifying to the learning experience." ~ Kimberly H. LMBT

"Thanks for instructing a multi-layered approach. As healing is multi-dimensional, so is your teaching. I appreciate that you motivated us to participate from a place of consent, awareness, and intention. I look forward to learning more in the future." ~ a Student.
